Saturday, November 29, 2008

I love Shelbie!

So I finally got to meet Shelbie. Let me say, I absolutley love her. How can you not love a baby as cute as her! I just like to hold her and look at her. I also enjoy trying to wake her up. She looks so cute all pissed off!

I'm finally going to see "Twilight" tonight with Bert, Brandi, and Leilani. So excited! Well, I plan to post some pictures from Thanksgiving, so stay posted!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I gave in and started a blog! I've thoroughly enjoyed reading everybody elses blog and thought I should share the love and let them read mine! What to say....

I'm 23 years old, going to school at Mesa Community College. I have to work, so I'm slow at getting through school. Hope to someday be a counselor. Til then, I'm working for LDS Family Services as a secretary. I enjoy it a lot. The people I work with are just amazing, and I never have to worry about my religion being a topic of discussion.

My parents are going through a divorce right now, and it has taken it's toll on my family. My father is a very difficult man to live with, so in that sense it's good he's out of the house. But he's fighting helping us in any way financially, so my brothers and I are having to give a lot of our paychecks to pay the bills. My mom has a very bad knee and has a hard time working, so she isn't bringing in any money right now. It's hard, but I know we'll get through it. Just not so fun right now!

Well, I'll try and be diligent about posting on this. Later!